think 2024 Noto earthquake I donated to the Hokuriku Mirai Foundation. Hello everyone viewing posts about the earthquake in Japan. If you would like to make an earthquake relief donation, please consider this website. 2024.01.17 think
photo SALA KOBE In SALA, women from Asian countries such as Thailand, Philippine,Taiwan daily serve their own countries’ home cooking. N... 2021.09.29 photo
photo One of the best ways to beat the summer Kyoto You should prepare for the heat before you go out in Kyoto. 2019.05.27 photo
think On the new Japanese era name, Reiwa(令和) The new era name, "Reiwa", was announced by the cabinet secretary on the 1st of April, 2019. 2019.04.01 think
think Some information for non-Japanese earthquake evacuees The magnitude 6.1 quake struck OSAKA during the morning rush hour - bringing train lines to a halt. Here is some informa... 2018.06.18 think
think Japan wins with 4-2 from Paraguay. Inui fires in brilliant shot again!!!!!! Who knew he could do that? 2018.06.12 think
think Tell Me What Democracy Looks Like I am participating at a demonstration in Utsubo Park. This is a peaceful march. 2018.03.18 think
think BLACKPINK|capsule toy machine There is capsule toy machine in front of the station. 3 out of 4 women look like one and the same. Are they sisters? 2018.03.16 think